Friday, June 28, 2013

bad day

This morning I feel like I am at a new low point and cannot stop myself from falling back into depressing thoughts.  I'm going to try and avoid all people today as I feel so angry that I think I will snap at the shortest thing and that will not help any situation.  I drove over an overpass on the way to work today and couldn't help the bad thoughts that crept into my head when I looked over the side.

I hate my "male" therapist and miss being able to go visit Barb and have her talk with Jaclyn.  I have stubble growing back on my calves and hands and want to take a knife to them.  I want my life not to be so fucked up but there is no escape the horror that being a mistake is each day.  I don't know why I ever believed I could be happy and accept myself, I am a freak and a societal outcast and the truth is that I must hide this away forever.

I have to spent next week with my wife's family to celebrate the 4th and have to face all of them at once.  I am so worried about this and have this sinking feeling of some gigantic uncomfrotableness and   causing more conflict.  Things do not get better, nothing does ever in life.

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