Monday, June 10, 2024

Anniversary week

Hello blog,

Coming up this week will be the anniversary of my coming out at least to the first people in my life.  Not sure if I can really consider it much since I stay hidden from most people, but it is sort of an anniversary I keep for myself.

Hard to believe that it will be now 11 years since that date and it is always a time I take to reflect and take inventory of my present situation.  Really in the 11 years I feel mostly this situation is unchanged and I feel a bit depressed.

I am not sure if I should consider this a failure or the only state for me as I seem to be unable to move from where I am at.  I have taken small steps forward throughout the years only to come backwards with more second guessing and shame at pretending to be something I am not.

I don't know what I am anymore but also don't know why I can't motivate myself to do anything different. I am just a mess and probably won't be anything more than that.

Happy anniversary Jaclyn.  At least here I have a momentary escape.

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