Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Hello blog,
I am feeling absolutely miserably depressed today and I can't stop it. It got me to the point where I was sitting in the car and not able to do anything but cry and feel shameful about it.

How do you deal when others tell you are worth something when it just makes you feel worse that you can't see any possible way that could be true? I give up on all this and I have given up on me.

The part of me that is logical told me to write some letters to leave to those important in my life to try and explain why I felt I couldn't go on any longer. I wrote three letters and then realized there was no one else close to me.  Made me feel more pathetic that over 40 years on this dumb planet and I probably only impacted the lives of 3 people.

My head throbs now and I don't have any strength to continue much longer. I guess if this is my last post I will say good-bye as Jaclyn and hope if anyone ever stumbles upon this drivel that they have a better life than I did.

Good-bye for now and maybe forever, Jaclyn

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